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Xinghong Optoelectronics Launches Coaxial Wire Feeding Laser Processing Head

Time : 2022-07-08 Hits : 1

The coaxial wire feeding laser processing head launched by Xinghong Optoelectronics requires a lot of R&D investment and a long R&D cycle. According to reports, this product took more than 2 years to develop. The laser head mainly includes: collimating mirror, front double roof mirror, rear double roof mirror, metal off-axis aspherical mirror, protective lens and system control, etc. This laser head divides the collimated laser beam into four symmetrical beams through two adjustable-distance four-sided axicon lenses, and the beams are focused to the focal plane position through a metal off-axis aspherical mirror. By adjusting the distance of the two four-sided axicon lenses, the change of the inner aperture of the beam can be realized, and the wire feeding of different sizes can be realized.


This coaxial wire-feeding laser processing head has four advantages: one is better anti-collision performance, and the problem that the laser processing head may collide with the base metal when placed on a robot or platform has been improved; the second is better sealing. Well, due to the high cost of optical devices, the sealing of the processing head is very important; third, the maintenance service is faster, and the procurement and maintenance service cycle of foreign companies is usually about half a year; fourth, the use cost is more affordable, and the use cost of consumables is low.

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