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MAX Releases High Brightness 50 KW Laser Generator

Time : 2022-08-17 Hits : 1

The MAX laser high-brightness laser adopts an exclusive patented three-cladding technology fiber, which can withstand more than 30,000 watts of pump light, and has a larger light energy carrying capacity, which is 10 times that of conventional double-clad fibers. Small core diameter and high energy output stability.


This high-brightness 50 kW laser is equipped with a 50 kW cutting head independently developed by MAX Laser, and the internal technical parameters of the laser and cutting head are optimized through synergy, and at the same time, they are adapted to the system, so that the laser, cutting head and system can be fully operated on the same platform. potential, so that new products can be used in the terminal.


Compared with the previous 10,000-watt control system, the high-brightness 50 kW laser not only has EtherCAT bus communication, but also adds power closed-loop control functions, such as laser output power detection, with an accuracy of ≤3%; health intelligent detection, power attenuation, burn-in risk , back light risk, fault diagnosis, mobile phone remote service, etc. to detect, monitor the health status of the laser in real time, and improve the service life.

The core components used in the high-brightness 50 kW MAX laser are tested to the most stringent standards, and the latest 100+kW double redundant power test platform is used to ensure the production quality of the whole machine, and the long-term power attenuation is less than 3%. There is enough margin in the power design, so as not to be afraid of power attenuation during later use.

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