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Laser fiber optic cables
Laser fiber optic cables
Laser fiber optic cables
Laser fiber optic cables
Laser fiber optic cables
Laser fiber optic cables
Laser fiber optic cables
Laser fiber optic cables
Laser fiber optic cables
Laser fiber optic cables
Laser fiber optic cables
Laser fiber optic cables
Laser fiber optic cables
Laser fiber optic cables
Laser fiber optic cables
Laser fiber optic cables
Laser fiber optic cables
Laser fiber optic cables

Laser fiber optic cables

We are a powerful laser manufacturer in China with strong supply capabilities and complete specifications.

Fiber Optic Cable Specifications

Raycus Original
1 50/400UM, 10m Welding
2 50/360UM, 20m Cutting
3 100/360UM, 20m Cutting
4 75/360UM, 20m Cutting
5 100/360QD, 30m Cutting
6 100/360QP, 30m Cutting
Max Original
1 50/360UM, 20m Cutting
2 100/360UM, 20m Cutting
IPG Original
1 50/125UM, Old Fiber Cable
2 100/250UM, Old Fiber Cable







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