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Production Technology Progress Of Active Optical Fiber And Passive Optical Fiber

Time : 2022-04-19 Hits : 1

Optical fibers are divided into active fibers and passive fibers, which account for 10% of the total cost of fiber lasers. Passive optical fibers connect the passive optical fibers of the respective parts of the optical device by fusion splicing to realize the internal transmission of laser light, and do not participate in wavelength conversion. Active fiber, also known as gain fiber, plays the role of gain medium in fiber lasers, by realizing energy conversion from pump light to signal light and amplifying the energy of pump light in the resonant cavity. In addition, as a special fiber used at a specific wavelength, special fiber is the key raw material in fiber lasers, and it is also the most convenient transmission medium for laser transmission.

At present, the passive optical fiber products of domestic suppliers can basically meet the production needs. Domestic suppliers include YOFC, Connet, etc. In the field of laser special fibers, the listed company YOFC began to set foot in as early as 2016, and took the lead in cooperating with MAX and JPT. Finally, at the end of 2018, YOFC's products have the ability to replace the import of special optical fibers, and become the core supplier of JPT and MAX.

Since 2019, MAX's domestic passive optical fiber procurement volume has exceeded 85%, and domestic active optical fiber procurement volume has exceeded 40%. For laser fiber, Raycus adopts a two-legged approach of "self-produced + outsourced". In 2017, the company acquired BrightCore, a subsidiary of the controlling shareholder Aerospace Sanjiang Group, and began to purchase BrightCore in large quantities to purchase special optical fiber products. In the first half of 2021, BrightCore's revenue reached 168 million yuan, and its net profit reached 103 million yuan.

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