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Laser Fiber Industry Technology Conference

Time : 2023-03-31 Hits : 1

As the world's largest and fastest-growing laser market, China's fiber laser sales will exceed 13.1 billion yuan in 2023. Special optical fibers for lasers are the key raw materials in fiber lasers, and the market size is also increasing year by year. In 2022, the domestic sales of special optical fibers for lasers will be about 1.5 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 20%.


Although there are many companies participating in the domestic special optical fiber industry, there are not many large-scale manufacturers with independent innovation capabilities. For special optical fiber companies, how to improve technology research and development capabilities, solve key technology "stuck neck" problems, how to expand the application field of special optical fibers, etc., have become the main topics of this laser optical fiber industry technology conference.


Chen Wei, Distinguished Professor of Shanghai University and director of the Optical Fiber Institute, is mainly engaged in fiber optics, new optical fiber technology (including NGF large-capacity communication optical fiber, SDM space division multiplexing optical fiber, ULL ultra-low loss optical fiber, HCF hollow core optical fiber, laser optical fiber, sensor Optical fiber, medical optical fiber), optical fiber devices, etc., and realize the engineering application of IDCMMF optical fiber, PMF optical fiber, DCF&DCM, DCYDF and TCYDF. The conference shared the "Special Optical Fiber for Advanced Communication and Laser Equipment Application" Report.


Tong Weijun, Distinguished Professor of Wuhan Engineering University and head of the Engineering Research Center of Optoelectronic Materials Preparation Technology, delivered a speech entitled "The Current Situation and Development Direction of Special Optical Fibers and Key Raw Materials for Industrial Lasers". Professor Tong Weijun said that special optical fiber technology has complex application scenarios, It has the characteristics of high technical requirements, difficult process, and close integration with the needs of end users.


Yu Chunlei, a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, mainly researches in the fields of preparation of rare earth-doped special glass and optical fiber, research on spectrum and laser properties, and radiation-resistant hardening technology for laser materials for space-based applications. At the meeting, researcher Yu Chunlei brought the report "Analysis of Laser Fiber Application Trends in the 10,000W Era". There is still a big gap with foreign companies. A foreign company has achieved a single-fiber power output of 20,000 watts in 2021, but there is still a large gap in domestic single-fiber power level and beam quality.

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