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All Employees of Demark Visited the 2024 Optics Valley of China

Time : 2024-05-20 Hits : 0

Not long ago, our company arranged for all employees to visit the 2024 Optics Valley of China - Optoelectronic Information Industry Innovation and Development Forum in batches. As the largest optoelectronic information industry platform in China, this event gathered the latest news and technological achievements in the laser industry from across the country and around the world.

The company's decision to participate in the exhibition in stages demonstrates our determination to continue learning and enhancing our professionalism, and fully highlights Demark Company's ambition to actively elevate its position in the laser industry. This initiative aims at securing a leading position within the industry for our company, while also creating an environment conducive to learning and growth for our employees.

Demark Company looks forward to absorbing new knowledge and innovative solutions at the exhibition, and will continue to strive to be an expert in the laser industry. The participation experience of all employees is an important part of enhancing team skills and grasping industry dynamics. Everyone in the company is enthusiastically engaged with full zeal.

Demark Company firmly believes that every bit of learning and experience gained by employees at this exhibition will not only contribute to their personal growth, but also drive the successful development of the company.

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