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DeMark організовує тренінги з лазерної безпеки

Час: 2024-09-19 Переглядів: 0

Last week, DeMark invited a renowned laser protection expert to conduct an in-depth safety training for all employees. The training emphasized the importance of proper laser protection during laser welding, cutting, and cleaning. Many employees realized for the first time that just because laser radiation is invisible doesn't mean it poses no threat to our eyes and skin. In fact, without adequate protection, such lasers can cause irreversible damage to the eyes.


The training also uncovered an alarming fact: many laser safety glasses on the market are falsely labeled with protection levels, a problem more widespread than expected. This has reinforced our commitment to ensuring the safety of both our employees and customers. At DeMark, we strictly require all employees to wear rigorously tested лазерні захисні окуляри when entering the factory to ensure their safety in the working environment.


At the same time, DeMark upholds the principles of honest business and customer responsibility. Every laser protection product we sell undergoes stringent testing to ensure effective protection against lasers, intense light, and invisible radiation. We want our customers to have full confidence in our products, knowing they are receiving genuinely reliable protective gear.


This training once again highlights DeMark’s dedication to the safety of our employees and customers. We are committed not only to innovative solutions but also to maintaining the highest standards of safety and trust.


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НАСЛІДЧЕНО: DeMark Laser святкує свято середини осені теплими побажаннями на день народження