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Kurs szkoleniowy w zakresie naprawy lasera światłowodowego DMK Laser
Product Overview
DMK Laser offers a specialized fiber laser repair training course for global customers. This course is designed to equip participants with the skills to repair fiber lasers from brands such as IPG, NLight, SPI, Raycus, and MAX. Upon completion, participants can establish 1-2 local repair stations in their respective countries, supported by repair equipment configurations, spare parts supply, and remote technical support services.
Cele szkoleniowe
- Equip participants with comprehensive theoretical and practical repair skills for fiber lasers.
- Support overseas customers in establishing localized repair stations to enhance service efficiency.
- Provide repair equipment and spare parts to minimize equipment downtime.
Harmonogram kursu
- Czas: 20 hours over 2.5 days.
- utworzony: Small-class teaching to ensure mastery of the course content.
- Chronometraż: Arranged to coincide with customer visits to China.
- Lokalizacja: Wuhan, China. Accommodation, meals, and local transportation will be provided.
Zawartość kursu
Dzień 1 |
Dzień 2 |
Dzień 3 |
Kto powinien uczęszczać
- Laser equipment buyers
- Enterprises or technical teams looking to establish local repair stations
- Professionals seeking to enhance their laser repair skills
Usługi wsparcia
- Repair equipment configuration and technical support
- Long-term supply of professional repair spare parts
- Ongoing remote technical support services
Korzyści ze szkolenia
Participants will gain systematic fiber laser repair skills, enabling them to independently diagnose and repair major brands of lasers. This significantly improves operational efficiency and reduces downtime risks.
Register now to enhance your professional fiber laser repair skills!