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اللحام بالليزر الروبوتي

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DMK 6-Axis Robotics Arc Welding Automatic Laser Welding Machine
DMK 6-Axis Robotics Arc Welding Automatic Laser Welding Machine
DMK 6-Axis Robotics Arc Welding Automatic Laser Welding Machine
DMK 6-Axis Robotics Arc Welding Automatic Laser Welding Machine
DMK 6-Axis Robotics Arc Welding Automatic Laser Welding Machine
DMK 6-Axis Robotics Arc Welding Automatic Laser Welding Machine
DMK 6-Axis Robotics Arc Welding Automatic Laser Welding Machine
DMK 6-Axis Robotics Arc Welding Automatic Laser Welding Machine
DMK 6-Axis Robotics Arc Welding Automatic Laser Welding Machine
DMK 6-Axis Robotics Arc Welding Automatic Laser Welding Machine
DMK 6-Axis Robotics Arc Welding Automatic Laser Welding Machine
DMK 6-Axis Robotics Arc Welding Automatic Laser Welding Machine

DMK 6-Axis Robotics Arc Welding Automatic Laser Welding Machine

نظرة عامة على المنتج

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The 6-axis robot laser welding machine is a highly efficient and flexible welding solution designed for complex and precise welding applications. It consists of multiple joints and connecting arms, enabling six degrees of freedom movement. The robotic arm and wrist work together to execute precise trajectory movements, ensuring high accuracy and adaptability.

This welding system features six joints:

  • S-axis (دوران)

  • L-axis (lower arm movement)

  • المحور U (upper arm movement)

  • R-محور (wrist rotation)

  • B-محور (wrist swing)

  • T-axis (wrist rotation)

The integration of these joints allows for full-range movement, making the 6-axis robotic welder ideal for various industrial applications requiring precision and efficiency.

الميزات الرئيسية

  • High-Powered Laser Welding: Utilizes a focused laser beam to generate heat and create strong, precise welds.

  • Advanced Robotic Movement: Six degrees of freedom enable complex welding tasks with high flexibility.

  • تحسين كفاءة الإنتاج: Operates continuously for 24 hours, significantly enhancing productivity.

  • اللحامات عالية الجودة: Stabilizes and improves the welding quality of diverse materials.

  • عملية سهلة الاستخدام: Reduces manual labor and simplifies operation for workers.

  • المتانة والسلامة: Designed to work in harsh environments while ensuring high performance.

بيانات المعدة

  • الليزر الطاقة: 2000W / 3000W / 6000W

  • العلامة التجارية مصدر الليزر: BWT / Raycus / Max (optional)

  • نظام التبريد: تبريد المياه


This robotic laser welding machine is suitable for welding various materials, including:

  • المعادن: Stainless steel, carbon steel, iron plate, aluminum, copper, alloy, galvanized steel

  • الصناعات: Cabinets, kitchens, bathrooms, staircases, elevators, shelving, stainless steel doors and windows, guardrails, distribution boxes, home appliances, and other industrial applications.

Why Choose Our 6-Axis Robot Laser Welding Machine?

  • Versatile & Precise: Capable of handling complex welding tasks with unmatched accuracy.

  • آلي للغاية: Reduces the need for manual intervention, enhancing efficiency and consistency.

  • موثوقية طويلة المدى: Built with durable components for extended operational life.

  • قابلة للتكيف مع الصناعات المختلفة: Ideal for both large-scale manufacturing and specialized applications.





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